7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Fly Fishing… “It enhances your mood”

7 surprising health benefits of fly fishing.

1) It’s exercise
2) It aids balance and coordination
3) It’s a brain workout
4) It chills you out
5) It enhances your mood
6) It’s a tool for healing
7) It encourages togetherness

Posted by Mojobella Fly Fishing on Wednesday, November 15, 2017


This mood enhancement session occurred during Fall in California on the Lower Sacramento River near Redding California.  Unlike other parts of the country… we are blessed with mild winter weather allowing us to fish year round.

Posted by Mojobella Fly Fishing on Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Really smart people say… ““Fly fishing involves several mental tasks that likely boost brain health. The neural circuits controlling focused attention and rapid reaction time will likely strengthen, and the thrill of catching a fish will elevate mood through the dopamine brain boosts.”  I say… “COOL” 🙂

Posted by Mojobella Fly Fishing on Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Read more: https://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/wellbeing/fly-fishing-health-benefits/slide/5


Posted by Mojobella Fly Fishing on Sunday, October 15, 2017